Cloud hunting at Belém


When taking photographs outdoors I am a sucker for clouds. Without anything to break the blue sky, a photo quickly becomes boring. With clouds there is contrast, the sky becomes a living creature that can be difficult to catch. Not wearing my sunglasses – I have no idea how people can photograph with their glasses on, the viewfinder becomes useless for me if I try – I definitely miss a lot of the gradients and details in the clouds, so I often find myself slightly underexposing to get the blue really in the picture, trying to make sure that I don´t blow the clouds highlights. Balancing that with a decent exposure of the shadows is a pleasant struggle. Each picture is a travel as well as part of the bigger travel. The search for that `perfect shot´ that every photographer one day hopes to make.

Today, I spent a couple of hours at Belém (yes, that is Portuguese for Bethlehem), hung out with friends and did some cloud hunting.