The month of October

20171030 Blamedutchie October 03

October. The first month I seriously picked up the camera since last April. For now my body can only handle short walks and the strap of my camera bag is very uncomfortable. It cuts into my skin and the weight of the bag, even with just one body and one lens, is too much for me.

Mind you, I am not complaining. I did not expect to be holding my camera before January, although I tried not to let the people around me know that. Just a few more weeks I say, while I paint a smile on my face. They see right through, of course they do. Focusing is difficult; after a few seconds my arm starts to tremble. The drugs that numb the pain play their part too, obviously. My eyes lose the viewfinder, my mind is distracted and slow.

It’s all a matter of priorities. It will come back to me. In a different sense, because I know I’m changing.

Again: no complaints here. I am breathing in life, bit by bit the scents that nature has to offer are coming back. The wonderful combination of pine and eucalyptus brings tears to my eyes, while the sweet and sticky fruit used to make Aguardente de Medronhos has only a bit of taste and hurts my tongue.

I am shooting again.